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10:00am-10:15am Coffee

10:15am-10:30am Welcome & Opening Remarks (Eunice Sahle and Claude Clegg, UNC-CH)

Panels on Africa

10:30am-12:00pm: Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Rwanda

Moderator, Michael Lambert (AAAD, UNC-CH)

-Georges Nzongola (AAAD and Global Studies, UNC-CH), “2019 Political Change in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Implications for Democratic Governance”

-David Pier (AAAD, UNC-CH), “Bobi Wine and the Bayaaye: Music and Urban Insurgency in Uganda”

-Thomas Kelley (UNC Law School),  “Faking Democracy in Rwanda”

12:00pm-1:00pm: Malawi and Kenya

Moderator, Perry Hall (AAAD, UNC-CH)

Michael Kaiyatsa (Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation, Lilongwe), “Media and Democracy in Malawi”

Eunice Sahle (AAAD and Global Studies, UNC-CH), “Spaces of Democratic Accountability and Human Rights in Post-2010 Kenya: The Role of the Judiciary”

Lunch Break 1:00pm-2:00pm

Panel on the Global Diaspora: Brazil and Germany


Moderator, Kia Caldwell (AAAD, UNC-CH)

– Christen Smith (African and African Diaspora Studies and Anthropology, UT Austin), “Black Women, Policing and Repression in Dangerous Times: Perspectives from Brazil”

-Priscilla Layne (Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures, UNC-CH), “The Black German Counterpublic: Creating Community and Redefining Normative Understandings of Citizenship in the Monthly Magazine Afrolook” 

Panel on the United States


Moderator, Charlene Regester (AAAD, UNC-CH)

-Jason Husser (Political Science, Elon College), “Using Polls to Understand North Carolina Voters: How Polling is Done, What Voters Think about Critical Issues, and What to Look for in 2020″

-Kerry L. Haynie (Political Science, Duke University), “Containing the Rainbow Coalition: Political Consequences of Racialized Incarceration”

4:00pm-4:10pm Closing Remarks (Claude Clegg, AAAD and History, UNC-CH)